Нередко человек в своей жизни сталкиваются с необычными событиями и явлениями. Порой случается даже что-то такое, что совсем нельзя объяснить простым совпадением и слепой случайностью. Мы решили узнать у людей, происходили ли в их жизни чудеса.
Олеся, 34 года:
– Моему главному чуду уже 5 лет, её зовут Сашенька.
Арина, 15 лет:
– Были разные чудесные случаи и даже очень серьезные. Как-то давно мы пошли с двумя бабушками собирать грибы, и они меня попросили сбегать посмотреть, в какой стороне от нас находится железная дорога (по ней мы ориентировались). Я ушла не так далеко, но все-таки заблудилась, было очень страшно, просто невероятно. Я звала их, но безрезультатно. А потом, когда начала молиться, услышала их голоса.
Сергей, 56 лет:
– Врач Галыко спас меня от инсульта. Это случилось около 2,5 лет назад, ситуация была критическая. Вот и настоящее чудо. Спасибо ему!
Елена, 34 года:
– Чудо – это те люди, которые тебя окружают. Их внимание, забота, ум – вот это чудо. Еще чудом можно смело назвать то, что творит дружба и любовь. Они могут оживить мир. Конечно, было и много чудес в моей жизни очень личных, связанных с семьей.
Виктор, 23 года:
– Сразу вспомнил случай с дочкой. Однажды, когда мы переходили дорогу, я задумался и не особо смотрел по сторонам. И вдруг у меня вытянулась рука. Сама собой. В этот момент перед нами пронеслась машина. Получилось, что рукой я непроизвольно остановил дочурку… Бывали и другие случаи, когда какой-то внутренний голос помогает. Например, торопишься в храм на службу или на важную встречу и видишь, что не успеешь по времени, но, несмотря ни на какие обстоятельства, успеваешь.
Валентина, 14 лет:
– Одно чудо точно помню. Оно произошло в Бердском водохранилище. Я спокойно плавала, а потом начала тонуть, потому что прямо у меня под ногами оказалась ямка. Я погружалась туда и начала молиться, чтобы Бог помог. Неведомым образом я выплыла почти сразу. Вот так.
Галина, 59 лет:
– Однажды во время отпуска я собралась навестить родителей, купила билет, но неудачно, очень сокрушалась, что могла бы еще день побыть на малой родине, а придется уезжать раньше. А потом махнула рукой: будь что будет, значит, так Господь распорядился, все в Его воле. И спокойно отдыхала. А когда собралась уезжать, внимательно посмотрела билет, и оказалось, что он у меня – на нужную дату. Просто я неправильно посчитала, не учла, что 23.00 по Москве – это 2 часа ночи следующего дня по новосибирскому времени. Может, для других это и не чудо. Но ко мне не раз приходила помощь, когда я полагалась на волю Бога. Были и другие случаи, когда я обращалась к Нему и получала просто невероятную помощь, но это очень личные истории.
Владимир, 62 года:
– Я раньше сильно пил, а теперь уже 9 лет я не пью, а увлекаюсь рыбалкой (это мое главное хобби). На работе, конечно, держался в те времена, но все деньги уходили, и внутренне было очень тяжело. Если бы не жена, я никогда бы сам не справился с зависимостью, она помогла. Курить вот только пока не могу бросить, стаж большой уже: с 68-го года начал. Если брошу – будет еще одно чудо.
Светлана, 28 лет:
– Для меня, например, каждый день – это чудо.
Татьяна, 36 лет:
– Да, конечно, причем не один раз! После того, как я сходила к Матронушке и попросила ее обратиться к Всевышнему с молитвой обо мне, сразу начались чудеса. Я познакомилась с мужем и нашла работу. Удивительное чудо, когда тебе Бог дает награду после того, как ты осознаешь и просишь прощение за какой-то грех!Однажды, чтобы выиграть в интернет-конкурсе, я пошла на хитрость: начала прибавлять лайки, чтобы выиграть. Я выиграла, но отказалась от приза, потому что благодаря внушению мужа до меня дошло, что нельзя поступить нечестно. Тогда я пошла на исповедь, стало легко-легко. А через несколько месяцев нам было послано чудо: мы выиграли путешествие к морю. Бывает и так. А вообще, мы замечаем это нечасто, но каждый раз, когда происходит что-то хорошее – это маленькое чудо. И это надо ценить.
Людмила, 41 год:
– В детстве был один случай очень удивительный. Нашу собаку сбила машина. Уже собирались ее похоронить. И тогда я впервые обратилась с молитвой к Богу. Обещала, что буду хорошо учиться и слушаться родителей, только бы собачка ожила. После этого в дом забегает счастливая мама и кричит, что Жучка очнулась.
Александр НИКОЛАЕВ
Опубликовано в №40 за 2015 год

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10 June 2017 Share the love If you want sell on eBay, here are a few tips to make more money as well as a heads up on the fees and costs involved. Sections Make clear-outs routine Find the top selling items List up to 20 items a month free Beat final value fees Set starting prices low End auctions on a Sunday List for as long as you can Work on your listing title Learn the lingo Write a detailed description Choose your words carefully Take decent pictures Think seasonally Go global Communicate Never bid on your own auctions Charge for postage accurately Save on packaging Dodge PayPal fees Build up your feedback Post to the PayPal address Get proof of delivery Fight back against dodgy buyers Don’t forget about tax Consider the alternatives What are your tips? Make clear-outs routine
Selling on eBay is a good way to declutter your home, recycle and earn some extra cash can-you-sell-fake-watches-on-ebay-rid-91894.html. breitling superocean heritage 44 replica.
But it doesn’t have to be a one-off event. Keep tabs on items gathering dust and make clear-outs part of your routine. If you haven’t used something in a year or more, it’s probably time to get rid.
eBay is a great place to sell just about anything. So don’t relegate items to the bin. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure!
Find the top selling items
If you need inspiration about which of your items are likely to sell well, you can quickly see what’s hot with Goofbid’s Most Popular Items tool.
You just need to type in a search term and generate a list of relevant auctions with the most watchers and bids.
List up to 20 items a month free
eBay charges a 35p ‘insertion fee’ for each item listed.
But sellers get to list up to 20 items for free each month (apart from listings in the Motors or Classified Ads categories).
So if you’ve got a load of items to sell, you might want to spread them out over a few months in order to save on the fees.
Not only will this self-imposed limit save you money, it's a good way to help manage the workflow involved with selling, like packaging and posting items.
Another way to avoid the insertion fee is to watch out for free listing day promotions, which will allow you to list as many items as you want for no charge within a certain period. eBay normally sends out an email to let users know about these events.
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Beat final value fees
Other than insertion fees, sellers also have to pay eBay a ‘final value fee’ of 10% including the money made from a sale plus the postage.
Sometimes eBay runs promotions where you can save on final value fees when you list over a certain period, so keep an eye out.
However, if your buyer chooses to pay via PayPal you will have to pay PayPal fees on the transaction. This is currently 3.4% of the total sale price plus 20p per transaction.
Set starting prices low
In the past starting auction listings on eBay for 99p was a way of avoiding any listing fees. But the rules have now changed. For more read: eBay changes private seller listing fees.
However, setting your auction starting price low is still a good way to attract interest from buyers.
eBay now recommends the best starting auction price and the best fixed price based on how similar successful auctions started and ended. You can go with this or do your own research.
Obviously if you have something valuable, rare or niche to sell you shouldn’t take this risk and should put a reserve, a higher starting price or buy-it-now option to ensure you don't lose out.
End auctions on a Sunday
You may have worked into the early hours to list all your items but if you end the auction at the same time, buyers are unlikely to be around to battle it out for your goods.
Ending auctions early in the morning during the week or during business working hours is a bad move because buyers aren’t generally online.
You're almost certainly going to lose out on a decent final selling price if you end an auction at 3am on a Tuesday.
eBay gets its most traffic at weekends so this is the best time to end your auction. Sunday afternoon tends to work best or a Bank Holiday Monday.
List for as long as you can
The longer you item is advertised, the more chance there is of it being seen.
eBay allows you to list auctions for one, three, five, seven or 10 days. So if you’re not in a rush go for 10 days to give it the most exposure.
While buy-it-now listings can be put on for three, five, seven, 10 or up to 30 days at a time. Again if you aren’t in a hurry try a 30-day listing to make the maximum impact with buyers.
Work on your listing title
You need to use keywords people will search for in the title of your auction in order to get your listing seen and high up in search results.
‘Toy Jail’ might come up in a few searches but ‘Fisher Price Batman Gotham City Jail’ will definitely get you more views.
Be specific, clear and precise including things like brand, size, colour and product name. Goofbid's free eBay Pulse tool shows the most popular search terms buyers use ordered by category.
A good way to think about it is to try to imagine what you would search for if you were looking for the item yourself. Or take a look at what other people have used in the title of a similar listing - especially those that have lots of bids!
Whatever you do, make sure you check the spelling. People lose out by misspelling key words in their title so possible buyers don’t ever come across the items. Websites like Fat Fingers will hone in on your mistakes and give buyers a bargain.
Learn the lingoeBay is full of acronyms you need to get to know. Here are a few of the most commonly used terms:
BN: Brand new BNWT: Brand new with tags BNIB: Brand new in box BIN: Buy it now VGC: Very good condition. NWOT: New without tags NWOB: New without box HTF: Hard to find NR: No reserve VTG: Vintage Sellers tend to use the abbreviations to save on the character limit on listing titles. You might want to use them too so you can fill the title with better keywords to help your listing get seen. Don’t get carried away though as newbies won’t have a clue what you’re on about. Write a detailed descriptionThere’s nothing worse than getting to a listing and finding a lack of information. It makes the buyer work harder by having to ask questions and wait for an answer. Most don’t even bother to go that far.
A good description will have details about things like brand, item specifics, model numbers, size dimensions, style, colour and even why you’re selling the item. While you want to try to make your item sound attractive to buyers, don’t lie. Your listing should provide an accurate description of the item. While it might be tempting to embellish the truth, a piece of clothing that you’ve described as ‘like new’ that turns up with stains isn’t going to go down well. You'll probably get a dose of negative feedback and the buyer has the right to get their money back under the eBay Money Back Guarantee. Choose your words carefullyResearchers from Birmingham University trawled through more than 68,000 sold auction listings on eBay to try and work out which words used in the descriptions made sellers the most money.
The study, which analysed 15 million words found definite patterns in language which significantly changed the price buyers could expect to pay for similar goods. For example “men’s” watches sold for an average of £30 while “gents’” went for £70 - more than twice as much, and fragrances labelled “genuine” fetched £21 but “authentic” ones managed to bag sellers £34. W hile a watch with “resistance” can expect to attract nearly 50% more than a “resistant” watch (£85 to £59). Researchers Andrew Kehoe and Matt Gee from Birmingham City University’s School of English were behind the study. Kehoe said: "We've found that the language used in eBay descriptions really does have an impact on whether items sell and for how much.” So it will pay to take some time and think about the language you are using in your descriptions and title to sell your stuff. Take decent picturesClear images will attract more buyers.
So try and take pictures of your items on a blank backdrop using natural light. Also make sure the item is in tip top condition –that might mean getting out the iron or giving a few things a polish before taking your snaps. With designer products like Ugg boots and expensive technology like an iPad it’s good to have a picture proving they work or are genuine rather than a generic picture from the web. eBay usually allows you to add up to 12 images to a listing for free so you should be able to highlight all the details of what you are selling, including any defects or damage. Think seasonallyWhen selling your items think about seasonality.
Nobody is going to want a barbeque in December or wool trousers in July. Your items will go for much more if the time is right and they’re in high demand. Go globalSelling to international buyers will widen your audience and boost potential bidders.
You can choose to sell to international buyers via eBay UK or list your auction on a specific overseas eBay site, which will mean it appears in the local currency and comes up higher in searches. Listings on eBay.co.uk that are open to international buyers attract the normal UK insertion and final value fees. But items sold directly on an overseas eBay site means you pay the fees associated with that country. You should also be aware that PayPal will apply different charges when you sell to an international buyer. Whichever option you go for, adjust your postage for international delivery or the extra costs will eat into your profits. CommunicateDon’t leave questions unanswered. It won’t help you make a sale if people doubt your ability to communicate and be trusted.
If you have a smartphone get the eBay app to keep up with your listings. If you do receive a lot of questions about the same thing update your listing as this is obviously something that is important to your prospective buyers. Never bid on your own auctionsYou should never bid on your own items via another account to boost prices.
eBay prohibits any attempts to push auction prices up artificially yourself or through friends and family. Charge for postage accuratelyWhen it comes to deciding the cost of delivery you should cover yourself so you don’t make a loss and charge accurately for each item you list. That way if you do sell something for just 99p you don't have to pay more just to get rid of it.
You should also bear in mind that eBay now includes postage when calculating the final value fee it will charge, so essentially it will take a 10% cut of what you charge for postage as well as the final price of your item. For more read: Private eBay sellers now face fees on postage. If you’re accepting payments by PayPal the whole amount you get from the buyer is also liable for its fees. So the money you charge for postage is further diminished. By calculating postage effectively, you can avoid a situation where you haven’t charged enough. You can calculate postage costs using Royal Mail’s Price Finder. Larger items might need a courier in which case this will have to be calculated later when you have the buyer's address. Save on packagingThere's no point making good money on eBay, but then spending most of it on packaging.
You can cut the cost of sending your items by getting packaging materials from pound shops. Parcel paper, bubble wrap and padded envelopes are available much cheaper here than places like WH Smith or the Post Office and the quality is just as good. You can also save by setting aside and reusing packaging you get from your own online orders. Amazon for example often sends items in boxes, which are perfectly fine to reuse with a different label. Dodge PayPal feeseBay requires all listings to accept PayPal.
PayPal is a quick and safe way to get paid online and is usually the payment method of choice for most eBay shoppers. But as a seller you pay a fee on the money you receive, usually around 3.4% plus a standard 20p charge. So when listing give buyers the option to pay by cheque or cash on collection to avoid paying PayPal fees on top of eBay fees (currently 10% of the final selling price plus postage). With cash there is a risk of being exposed to fake money. But there are ways to prevent this happening with counterfeit note checking devices or by taking a look at the Bank of England's guide to spotting a fake. Build up your feedbackWhen you’re selling big ticket items like a car or designer goods it helps to have some good feedback and a decent eBay seller rating to give buyers some confidence.
To attract positive feedback, make sure you dispatch items in the time stated on your listing, sell goods that match the description and reply to questions quickly. It’s also nice to let buyers know once their item is on its way. A lot of the time people are too lazy to leave feedback. But if you make it a habit to leave it for a buyer or seller yourself they are more likely to return the favour and build you up as a trusted member of the community. Post to the PayPal addressOnce you’ve sold an item and are posting a package make sure you send the item to the address listed on PayPal.
Some scammers will try and get you to send it to a friend or family member at an alternative address sometimes in another country. Stick to the official address listed as otherwise you won’t be covered by eBay’s seller protection. Get proof of deliveryIt’s not just buyers that can become victim to cheats, sellers are at risk too.
A common scam is a buyer claiming the pricey item you sent never arrived and attempting to claim their money back. To ensure you qualify for eBay’s seller protection you’ll need to have posted the item within the stated handling time and provide a valid proof of delivery for the item. For items valued over £750, it also requires signature confirmation. Fight back against dodgy buyers
You can prevent potentially dodgy buyers from bidding your items by only accepting bids from those with a certain feedback score. You just need to adjust your seller preferences by going to ‘buyer requirements’.
eBay also allows you to block specific individuals. So if you know of a user or have been contacted by one you’re not keen on just add them to your block list.
Don’t forget about taxGenerally, if you’re a private seller occasionally getting rid of unwanted items through eBay you don’t have to pay tax on what you make.
But if you’re a trader, which means making or selling goods bought for resale you have to tell the taxman. From April 2017, a new Sharing Economy Allowance was launched, which allows you to make £1,000 from selling goods or services, without paying any tax. Read the HMRC guide to work out if you need to declare any income made from online sales. Consider the alternativeseBay won’t be for everyone and if the fees are still too much there are alternatives you can try.
Other auction sites like eBid are cheaper. You can list items for free and you are only charged 3% on the final sale price. Classified sites like Preloved and Gumtree are also a good shout as they are free to use. If you aren’t bothered about making any money Freecycle and Freegle are also decent options. For more info, check out: Sell for less: the alternatives to eBay. What are your tips?
Please share any tips and tricks you have for getting more out of selling on eBay in the comment box below.
Comments Be the first to comment Newest Oldest View All ( {{ vm.comments.length }} ) Do you want to comment on this article? You need to be signed in for this feature Share the love + Add CommenteBay buyer scams: 4 frauds sellers need to watch out for eBay is the world\'s online marketplace - but it\'s also a mecca for scammers. Here\'s some of the dodgy tricks designed to part from sellers from their money Share Comments By Julia Rampen 13:08, 16 MAY 2017 Updated 13:09, 16 MAY 2017 Money eBay - make money, don\'t lose it Share Comments Get money updates directly to your inbox + Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email
Sell your stuff on eBay UK and you are selling to the world. It’s a global online marketplace, where sellers can make their fortune and buyers find a good deal.
Unfortunately, it’s also a magnet for scammers.
We’ve scoured Internet forums for eBay fraud and scams on sellers. Here’s what you have to look out for.
Read More Shoppers share their 8 biggest bargain-hunting secrets - but how far would YOU go for a bargain? Read More Scams to watch out for The \'caught speeding\' scam How Groupon hackers work EHIC and DVLA scammers 4 dangerous WhatsApp scams Fake supermarket coupons SIM-splitting scams - how they work Fake \'council tax refund\' emails NHS scams 1. Send it to NigeriaA number of sellers reported this scam. You list an item in your home country, and it’s snapped up by a buyer. Great. But then the buyer says they’ve paid more so you can send it to another country (several sellers said Nigeria). They also ask for your PayPal email.
When I said Liverpool, I really meant Lagos (Photo: Getty)Sellers said they were then contacted by � PayPal ’ asking for more personal financial details. Many smelt a rat at this point, but here’s what happened to one naive seller who followed through.
2. Item not received Did you ask for delivery confirmation? (Photo: Getty)Someone buys your item through PayPal , and like the good eBay seller you are, you pack it up and send it to them as quickly as possible. So quickly, you forget to use a service with delivery confirmation.
The scammer then tells PayPal they never received the item. If you can’t prove you sent it, PayPal will take the money back and refund them. As one report of this scam puts it: “There is nothing the seller can do other than learn a hard lesson.” So make sure you have delivery confirmation.
3. Feedback extortion poll loading How much would you pay to stop a bad review? 1000+ VOTES SO FAR Nothing Under £10 £11-20 More than £20This is basically blackmail. The buyer asks for money - and threatens to leave you bad reviews if you don’t pay up. A seller’s reputation is everything, so they’re hitting you where it hurts.
You can find out more about feedback extortion , and how to report it to eBay here .
4. Switch and return That\'s not the pair of stilettos I sentYou send off your item to a successful buyer. But the next thing the buyer tells you is it got damaged in the post - or wasn’t what they expected at all. If you ask them to return the item for a refund, they send you their old junk and threaten to give you a bad review if you complain.
One seller reported sending new black boots, but the buyer complained they were used and green: “He returned his old green boots and got a new pair in exchange, and PayPal gave him a full refund.”
You can cover your back by documenting your delivery like this seller . And alert PayPal as soon as there is a problem .
Read More Financial scams - How to stay safe Tips to avoid pension scams Fake holiday websites HMRC tax rebate text scam Card dangers Student loan scams Contactless card dangers Scams that steal your savings Rental scamsThe good news is the chance of fraud is low. An eBay spokesman said : "eBay has more than 149 million active global users engaged in transactions across 50,000 unique categories. At any given moment, over 800 million listings are offered for sale on eBay globally – with the overwhelming majority of listings on eBay coming from honest and law-abiding sellers.
"Criminals have learned the hard way that platforms like eBay are vigilant and proactive in fighting fraud. As a result of improved protection technologies, we’re seeing that criminals are avoiding the well-lit sites like eBay and moving to darker corners of the Internet that are more difficult to monitor.”
What to look out for 1: The picturesIf it’s not a genuine sale, it’s highly likely the pictures of the product will also not be genuine.
If this is the case the fraudster will most likely have copied them from a genuine eBay seller or from somewhere else online.
With your mouse, right click on the image and chose “copy link address”.
Read More eBay seller tips How to sell on ebay eBay buyer scams eBay deals and voucher codes 3 secrets of super-smart bidders Meet Britain\'s oldest eBay seller This student made £30,000 on eBay eBay Black Friday eBay fees explainedCut and paste this into your web browser and review the results.
This will show if there is another eBay seller using the same image or if the same goods are for sale on another site using the same image.
If they are and the sellers and price are different, it’s a scam.
2: The price (Photo: Ebay)Although eBay is known for a bargain, if the price looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Compare the price of the goods for sale to similar goods for sale elsewhere on eBay.
If there is a remarkable difference, think carefully before proceeding.
3: Information providedWhere the sale is not genuine, you usually find there is little information about the goods being sold. So message the seller and ask more questions and see how they respond.
Also, ask for more photos. This often catches fraudsters out on eBay as they won’t have them.
4: Seller’s detailsDon’t be fooled by the “positive feedback” percentage displayed below the seller’s name.
Fraudsters on eBay open an account and buy lots of small items to build up this percentage.
If you click on the seller’s name, you can review this feedback. If you find that it is all from sellers (as opposed to people who have purchased from them) it is highly likely that you are dealing with a fraudster.
This statement is of course unfair to those genuine new sellers. So I should say it is not always a sign of fraud.
5: ContactIf the seller does not display their contact details, avoid them.
Also, keep all communications within eBay’s messaging system.
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