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Основные причины пожаров остаются неизменными, это: нарушение правил пожарной безопасности при эксплуатации печи и нарушение правил технической эксплуатации электрооборудования. По данным причинам произошло 20 пожаров.
Хочется обратить внимание населения на тот факт, что в текущем, 2017 году в Татарском районе все три показателя – пожары, травмы, и особенно, гибель людей на пожарах, в сравнении с прошлым годом выросли в разы. Это не просто цифры и статистика, это человеческие жизни. 6 пожаров, на которых погибли люди, произошли в ночное время. Социальное положение погибших на пожарах людей – пенсионеры, инвалиды, безработные. Возможно, этих пожаров и не удалось бы избежать, но обнаружить их раннюю стадию – вполне возможно.
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Confirmar home Home RopaOnline BLOG RopaOnline Inicio > Ropa de marca hombre > Chaqueta Hugo Boss Orange CategorГas Lenceria On line Sujetadores Sujetadores de Aros Sujetadores Push up & Maximizer Sujetadores Deportivos Sujetadores sin tirantes Braguitas Tanga Maxi Braguitas Brasil Braguitas Boxer-Tanga Braguitas de Cintura alta Medias Medias con Silicona Medias Sin Silicona Pantys Medias para pies Calcetas Calzado On line Zapatos Hombre Novedades Mujer Ropa de marca hombre Polo manga corta Camisas on line Camisas Vestir Camisas Casual Jerseís y Sueter Chaquetas y Abrigos Bombers Cardigans Anoraks Chalecos Americanas Chaquetas para la Nieve Plumas Polo manga larga Pantalones para hombre Pantalones Chinos Pantalones Vaqueros Pantalón corto Camisetas Camisetas Armani Trajes Hombre Bañadores Ropa de deporte masculina Guantes deportivos Calcetas de deporte Botas deportivas Otros complementos Deportivos Pijamas Ropa de marca mujer Polos Manga corta Abrigos y Chaquetas Cardigan Parka Chaleco Anorak Chaquetas de Cuero Chaquetas de Ski Chaquetas de Punto Chaquetas Vaqueras Chaquetas Bomber Chaquetas Finas Chaquetas de SnowBoard Forro Polar Ponchos Blazer Gabardinas Blusas y Tops Camisetas de marca Camisas Jersey Sudaderas Mujer Jersey Punto Fino Sweater Polo manga larga Ropa interior Sujetadores Sujetador Deportivo Push up Corpiños Braguitas Culottes Tanga Calcetas Camisetas interior Ropa de Baño Bodies Pantalones Jeans Vaqueros Pantalon corto Leggins Pantalones de Tela Pantalones Deportivos Monos Medias Shorts Vestidos Mujer Vestidos Largos Vestidos Cortos Vestidos de Fiesta Vestidos Informales Vestidos de tubo Vestidos de Punto Vestidos Ligeros Vestidos Deportivos Vestidos Camiseros Vestidos Vaqueros Monos Ropa deportiva femenina Faldas Pijamas Pantalón de Pijama Ropa Premamá Complementos moda Complementos Hombre Corbatas y pajaritas Gorros Bufandas Calcetines Gafas Mochilas de marca Cinturones de marca Relojes Complementos Mujer Bolsos Mujer Carteras y Monederos Bufandas y foulards Bolsos Novedades Hombre Pandyromans ADIDAS Aeronautica Militare Baci & Abbracci Bikkembergs North Sails Blauer USA BURBERRY Camp David Cast Iron Armani Emporio Armani Armani Jeans ESPECIAL VAQUEROS Fay FRED MELLO FRED PERRY Gaastra GSTAR Gurú Hackett London Hogan La Martina Mud & Glory Rugby Napapijri Paul and Shark PEPE JEANS Polo Van Santen & Van Santen Puerco Espin Ralph Lauren Tommy Hilfiger Zu Elements Galvanni DSQUARED2 Hugo Boss Lacoste A-style Nautica WELLENSTEYN Harmont & Blaine US Polo Assn United Colors of Benetton Abercrombie & Ftich Calvin Klein Guess Guess Hombre Guess Mujer Guess Niños Gant Abrigos Moncler MOSCHINO New Balance Ropa de marca Niños Niños Niñas Puma Nike GAP Converse Camisetas Converse Sudaderas Converse Pantalón Converse Chaquetas Converse Bolsos y Mochilas Converse Calzado Converse Zalando FAQ Вї Tienes falta de ayuda ? Consulte nuestra secciГіnFAQ. Inicio Hugo Boss Chaquetas y Abrigos Ofertas y Rebajas Ver tamaño completo < > Display all pictures Eliminar este producto de mi lista de favoritos. AГ±adir este producto a mi lista de favoritos. Pregunta a cerca de este artГculo EnvГa tu pregunta sobre este artГculo Chaqueta Hugo Boss OrangeCierre: cremallera Relleno: 100% poliГ©ster Bolsillos: con solapa Color Negro Material exterior: 53% algodГіn, 47% poliГ©ster
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Planet OMEGA Innovative watchmaking is the cornerstone of OMEGA’s heritage but it is inspired by sports timekeeping, our conquests of space, our advocacy on behalf of worthy organisations and, of course, our enviable role in support of the world’s favourite spy. Speedmaster Sport Watchmaking Ocean Social Cinema Heritage Speedmaster Open Close Speedmaster The first watch on the Moon Open #SpeedmasterFans Our famous chronograph is close to the hearts – and wrists – of people from all walks of life. See more THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY In 2017, OMEGA is proudly celebrating 60 years of the Speedmaster. First known for its precision, strength and reliability, it’s incredible to think that this sports chronograph has now evolved to become an icon of space exploration and style. See more OUR SPACE LEGACY Since 1962, OMEGA has been on-hand – literally – as astronauts explore space. Its status as the first watch on the Moon earned the Speedmaster its nickname in 1969: the Moonwatch. See more Close Sport Timekeeper of the Olympics and other major events Open OLYMPIC GAMES The Olympic Games are the pinnacle of international sport and at each edition, OMEGA is proud to bring its expertise as Official Timekeeper to the world’s favourite competition csntbrgw. rolex daytona all black replica. See more OUR SPORTS OMEGA is the Official Timekeeper of the Olympic Games but it also brings its sports timing expertise to other top athletics, swimming, golf, bobsleigh and sailing competitions. See more THE RIO 2016 OLYMPIC GAMES In 2016, OMEGA travelled to Rio as the Official Timekeeper of the Olympic Games. Recording the dreams of the world’s best athletes, we were proud to witness many more great moments in time. See more Close Watchmaking Watchmaking has always been at the heart of our brand Open THE WORLD\'S FIRST MASTER CHRONOMETER OMEGA has built its reputation on revolutionary watch movements. And the Master Chronometer watches, which earn that designation by passing tests approved by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology, put our COSC-certified chronometer calibres in the spotlight once again. See more THE MATERIAL DIFFERENCE OMEGA’s creative use of materials and its creation of new alloys enhance our watches’ aesthetic appeal and improve their quality. Innovative uses of ceramics, silicon and precious metals are important parts of our story. See more Close Ocean Our deep connection to the sea Open The call of the sea OMEGA\'s relationship with the ocean is a voyage in itself: a long, rich and varied history that we\'re proud to share. Find out more. See more Close Social A proud commitment to worthy projects and ideas Open SOLAR IMPULSE As a Solar Impulse Main partner, OMEGA has made key technological contributions that are helping its pilots fly the Si2 plane around the world powered only by the sun. See more Terra Co-produced by OMEGA and directed Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot; this compelling documentary asks us to see the world differently, so that we can establish a more harmonious coexistence between man and the wild. See more #OMEGAVIVARIO Counting down to the Olympic Games, these 12 community projects will leave a lasting legacy, and give back to the Host City. See more ORBIS OMEGA supports Orbis International in its fight against eye disease and preventable and treatable blindness round the world. See more OUR PLANET With the eco-documentary Planet Ocean and the "Time for the Planet" conservation projects, OMEGA and GoodPlanet show how we can all help preserve the health of our precious planet. See more Close Cinema Our film star ambassadors and the spy who loves us Open OMEGA SCREEN LEGENDS OMEGA\'s acting ambassadors have brilliantly tackled some of filmmaking\'s most challenging roles ... and have helped make the world a better place. See more SPECTRE Uncover OMEGA\'s role in 007\'s most dangerous mission, as Bond infiltrates a secret meeting and uncovers the existence of the sinister organisation known as SPECTRE . See more James Bond The Seamaster has accompanied 007 on every adventure since GoldenEye . See more Close Heritage The incredible stories behind our evolution Open CHRONICLE: THE OMEGA STORY OMEGA’s horological innovations are part of a legacy that can be traced back to the 19th century. While we are particularly excited about the future, we are also proud of our past. See more THE OMEGA MUSEUM The OMEGA Museum is dedicated to collecting and exhibiting our most renowned and intriguing timepieces. The Museum tells the story of a brand that has recorded some history’s defining moments. See more EXTRACT OF THE ARCHIVES Owners of OMEGA watches made before 2000 can place an order online for an extract from our archives. See more VINTAGE WATCHES OMEGA is one of the world’s most influential watch brands, with numerous precision records, inspired design and a commitment to innovation. Meet some important watches from our long history. See more Close Lifetime Open Close The OMEGA Speedmaster 60th Anniversary Open Close

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Follow this search watch omega replica : Items in search results 1970 OMEGA SPEEDMASTER Watch - Gemini - Apollo Moon Astronaut REPLICA METAL SIGN $22.49 Was: Previous Price $29.99 Buy It Now Free shipping 10% off 3+ FAST \'N FREE Get it on or before Sat, Jun. 24 Omega Nude Women Miniature Clock Watch Swiss Vtg Antique RUNS Replica? $34.99 Buy It Now 1968 OMEGA SPEEDMASTER Watch - Gemini & Apollo Moon Astronaut REPLICA METAL SIGN $22.49 Was: Previous Price $29.99 Buy It Now Free shipping 10% off 3+ 1974 OMEGA CONSTELLATION CHRONOMETER Watch Vintage Appearance Replica Metal Sign $22.49 Was: Previous Price $29.99 Buy It Now Free shipping See more like this 1974 OMEGA CONSTELLATION CHRONOMETER Watch Vintage Appearance Replica Metal Sign 10% off 3+ FAST \'N FREE Get it on or before Sat, Jun. 24 1970 OMEGA SPEEDMASTER Watch - Gemini - Apollo Moon Astronaut REPLICA METAL SIGN $22.49 Was: Previous Price $29.99 Buy It Now Free shipping 10% off 3+ FAST \'N FREE Get it on or before Sat, Jun. 24 1968 OMEGA SPEEDMASTER Watch - Gemini - Apollo Moon Astronaut REPLICA METAL SIGN $22.49 Was: Previous Price $29.99 Buy It Now Free shipping 10% off 3+ 1968 OMEGA SPEEDMASTER Watch - Gemini - Apollo Moon Astronaut REPLICA METAL SIGN $22.49 Was: Previous Price $29.99 Buy It Now Free shipping 10% off 3+ 1968 OMEGA SPEEDMASTER Watch - Gemini & Apollo Moon Astronaut REPLICA METAL SIGN $22.49 Was: Previous Price $29.99 Buy It Now Free shipping 10% off 3+ Results matching fewer words Vintage gents wristwatch OMEGA SEAMASTER quartz watch spares or repair 1337 $66.57 9 bids From United Kingdom Authentic Omega DeVille Gold Dial Gold Plated Push Button Quartz Mens Watch $227.50 40 bids From Korea, South OMEGA VINTAGE MANS SEAMASTER WATCH AUTOMATIC $275.00 2 bids Authentic Omega Constellation Date White Dial Stainless Steel Quartz Mens Watch $305.00 26 bids See more like this Authentic Omega Constellation Date White Dial Stainless Steel Quartz Mens Watch From Korea, South Vintage Omega De Ville Automatic Watch - cal. 565 - ref. 166.033 $390.00 0 bids From Serbia Job lot vintage ladies OMEGA 483 watch movements mechanical watch spares repair $25.61 4 bids From United Kingdom Heavy Omega Seamaster Large Silver 1012 Swiss Automatic 1970s Watch $439.13 39 bids From United Kingdom VINTAGE OMEGA LADIES 9ct GOLD WATCH $166.43 3 bids From United Kingdom Customs services and international tracking provided OMEGA 161.014 VINTAGE SQUARE AUTMATIC MENS 24J WATCH 6X SIGNED $229.99 0 bids Omega ladies Watch with Box $43.53 8 bids From United Kingdom Customs services and international tracking provided OMEGA 166.0118 VINTAGE 4X SIGNED MENS AUTOMATIC CALENDAR WATCH $249.99 0 bids Omega Vintage Women\'s 10K GF Deville Quartz Watch $26.00 23 bids Free shipping (ref165DH O) Omega 268 Crosshair Subdial Watch Working $256.04 0 bids From United Kingdom Vintage Omega Men\'s Tank Watch $275.00 0 bids Omega Seamaster 600 Hand Winding Watch - Cal. 601 - ref. 135.00011 $350.00 0 bids From Serbia OMEGA CALIBER 284 LADIES WATCH MOVEMENT $39.99 0 bids VINTAGE S/STEEL OMEGA DATE GENEVE MENS CAL 1030 WATCH MECHANICAL MOVEMENT BOXED Just Serviced Sweeping hand, Looks wonderful. See video $640.11 0 bids $1,600.31 Buy It Now From United Kingdom Vintage Stainless Steel Omega Automatic Constellations Cal 564 Watch Working (W1 $512.10 51 bids From United Kingdom Small lot of mostly vintage Omega watch parts, both sides shown. $153.63 0 bids From United Kingdom Vintage Omega Geneve Hand Winding Watch - Cal. 601 - Fantastic Condition $500.00 0 bids From Serbia Omega Constellation Stainless Steel Quartz Men\'s Watch $480.09 46 bids See more like this Omega Constellation Stainless Steel Quartz Men\'s Watch From United Kingdom Vintage OMEGA SEAMASTER Automatic Swiss Watch Cal. 1020 $307.26 0 bids From United Kingdom Vintage Omega Pocket Watch Railroad dial very nice condition running $195.00 0 bids Omega Seamaster Cosmic Watch - Crosshair Dial $544.11 0 bids From United Kingdom Customs services and international tracking provided Vintage gents wristwatch TISSOT TISSONIC watch working 2010 ESA 9162 OMEGA 1250 $131.87 14 bids From United Kingdom OMEGA AUTOMATIC DEVILLE LADIES WATCH $75.52 1 bid From Canada Omega Seamaster Profesional 200m Mens Watch $370.00 41 bids See more like this Omega Seamaster Profesional 200m Mens Watch From Japan VINTAGE 1944 OMEGA WATCH 16 JEWEL SWISS WORKING $46.00 13 bids Vintage 18ct Gold OMEGA automatic 354 Bumper gents watch $535.14 39 bids From United Kingdom Omega Trench Watch World War1Antique Piece $38.50 0 bids $159.00 Buy It Now Omega Geneve Dynamic Gold Tone 2 Tone Dial Watch w/ Original Band Serviced 4/17 $389.97 0 bids Rare Vintage Omega Seamaster 300 Cal 565 Automatic Wrist Watch 1967-1968 166.024 $2,688.53 54 bids From United Kingdom Customs services and international tracking provided OMEGA SEAMASTER CALENDAR MENS WATCH DATE CAL 503 AUTOMATIC $255.00 43 bids From Philippines vintage omega turler watch $61.00 18 bids Beautiful Vintage SOLID 9ct GOLD Omega De Ville Gents Watch Fully Working! $359.75 25 bids From United Kingdom VINTAGE VERY RARE ART DEKO OMEGA 1940\'s MAN\'S WRIST WATCH $299.99 0 bids $399.99 Buy It Now From Bulgaria watch collection OMEGA, LONGINES, TAG, SHINOLA $3,200.00 0 bids New listing Women\'s Omega Constellation Watch $195.50 8 bids Free shipping Omega 613 watch movement, running well, took full wind, no stem/crown. $90.90 7 bids From United Kingdom Omega Seamaster Automatic 120m Stainless Steel Bracelet Mens Watch 36.5mm $390.00 32 bids Tell us what you think eBay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product\'s sale prices within the last 90 days. eBay determines trending price through a machine learned model of the product’s sale prices within the last 90 days. "New" refers to a brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item, and "Used" refers to an item that has been used previously. Top Rated Plus
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Omega Filter Filter About this brand Grid List Items 1 to 36 of 46 total Used Omega Watches for Sale
Louis Brandt was the founder of the Swiss watch company OMEGA, and since the year 1848, it has been the epitome of perfection and elegance. The essence of quality has always been consistent over the years, even though the company witnessed many changes in ownership and management. It’s without question that Omega has significantly contributed to the Swiss watch making industry. In the beginning of the twentieth century, Omega became the official timekeepers for the British Royal Flying Corps for their combat units, followed by the U.S. Army, a year later. Omega introduced the world’s first tourbillion wristwatch and every single creation of the brand carries a legacy of horological innovation and excellence. They have even been an integral part of the Olympics, entrusted with the role of being their official timer. Omega signifies a brand that continuously innovates and perpetuates on its commitment to excellence such as with their new addition of calibers containing co-axial technology.
Buy Pre-owned Omega WatchesGray and Sons has the finest collection of certified authentic pre-owned / used Omega watches for sale. Seamaster, Speedmaster and other brands OmegaWe are the global preference for a one-stop luxury shop to buy and sell luxury Swiss watches, such as those by Omega. Pre-owned and lightly used Omega watches are highly coveted by our customers and we constantly fulfill that demand along with expert Omega watch repairs and servicing also. Our in-house team of expert Swiss-trained watchmakers service and polish your watches to a like-new condition. All of our pre-owned Omega watches will come with a twelve-month warranty and a “Like New for Life” policy that provides free annual polishing. We have an extremely dedicated after sales service team which is the best in the world, supported by our six highly skilled Swiss watchmakers and jewelers with a combined 150 years of experience.
Our Guarantee REPAIR Your OMEGA Watch SELL Your OMEGA Watch What Our Customers Are Saying Receive Our Catalog! Sort By Position newest to oldest Position oldest to newest Date oldest to newest Date newest to oldest Name A to Z Name Z to A Price low to high Price high to low Weight asc. Weight desc. Price $0-$2,499 (9) $2,500-$4,999 (28) $5,000-$9,999 (9) Size Small ( (12) Medium (31mm-39mm) (19) Large (>39mm) (14) Style Classic (3) Dress (2) Sport (6) Vintage (10) Case Material Gold (11) Stainless Steel (34) White Gold (1) Band Type Leather Strap (13) Metal Bracelet (32) Diamonds Bezel (3) Dial (3) Omega Constellation 368 1201 Gents Omega Constellation in 18k & and stain less steel. Auto w/ sweep seconds and date. Circa 2000s. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Classic Omega Constellation 368 1201 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 35 x 35 mm case with a Round caseback and White Stick dial. Circa: 2000s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Constellation watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520271 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $3,200.00 Item #:W520271 View Product Omega Constellation Ladies Omega Constellation 18k & stainless steel. Quartz. Ref 55515956. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Vintage Omega Constellation watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Gold & Steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 23 x 23 mm case with a Round caseback and Gold Stick dial. Circa: 1980s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Constellation watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520167 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $2,000.00 Item #:W520167 View Product Omega Constellation 123 Gents Omega Constellation in stainless steel. Auto w/ sweep seconds and date. Ref 123. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Sport Omega Constellation 123 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel bracelet band with a Stainless Steel Hidden buckle. This Omega watch has a 37 x 37 mm case with a Round caseback and Silver Stick dial. Circa: 2010s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Constellation watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520246 . Watch is in Very Good condition. G & S Price: $2,950.00 Item #:W520246 View Product Omega De Ville 46338000 Gents Omega De Ville Co-Axial GMT in 18k on the alligator band with 18k deployment buckle. Auto. Box and papers. Ref 46338000. Circa 2003. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Sport Omega De Ville 46338000 watch is made out of yellow gold on a Strap band with a 18k Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a Round caseback and Black Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega De Ville watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520257 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $8,290.00 Item #:W520257 View Product Unused Omega Speedmaster 3113042300100s Gents Omega Speedmaster in stainless steel. Manual w/ chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 3113042300100s. Mint like new condition Fine Unused Omega Watch. Unused Sport Omega Speedmaster 3113042300100s watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 x 41 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Stick dial. Circa: 2010s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Speedmaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520253 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $4,500.00 Item #:W520253 View Product Omega Speedmaster 176.002 Gents Omega Speedmaster "Skywalker Case" in stainless steel. Auto w/ sweep seconds and date. Ref 176.002. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Vintage Omega Speedmaster 176.002 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 x 41 mm case with a Round caseback and Blue Stick-Dot dial. Circa: 1960s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Speedmaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520170 . Watch is in Good condition. G & S Price: $2,950.00 Item #:W520170 View Product Omega Constellation Gents Omega Constellation in 14k on the brown alligator band. Auto w/ sweep seconds and date. Ref 168029. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Dress Omega Constellation watch is made out of yellow gold on a Brown Strap band with a Stainless Steel tang buckle. This Omega watch has a 34.5 x 33 mm case with a Round caseback and Gold Stick dial. Circa: 1970s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Constellation watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520141 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $3,450.00 Item #:W520141 View Product Omega Speedmaster O35705000 Gents Omega Speedmaster in stainless steel. Manual w/ chronograph. With box and papers. Ref O35705000. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Sport Omega Speedmaster O35705000 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 40 x 40 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Speedmaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520120 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $3,500.00 Item #:W520120 View Product Omega Seamaster 111 Gents Omega Seamaster in 14k on leather strap. Auto w/ sweep seconds, date and day. Complete with box and papers. Ref 111. Circa 1970s. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Vintage Omega Seamaster 111 watch is made out of yellow gold on a Black Leather Strap band with a tang buckle. This Omega watch has a 35 x 35 mm case with a Round caseback and Champagne Stick dial. Circa: 1970s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Seamaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520073 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $1,950.00 Item #:W520073 View Product Omega Seamaster 22005000 Gents Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean in stainless steel. Auto w/ sweep seconds and date. With papers. Ref 22005000. Circa 2011. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Sport Omega Seamaster 22005000 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Hidden buckle. This Omega watch has a 44 x 44 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Arabic and Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Seamaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520038 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $4,200.00 Item #:W520038 View Product Omega DeVille Co-Axial 424. Omega DeVille Co-Axial in 18k yellow gold on an alligator strap with diamond dial. Auto w/ sweep seconds and date. With box. Like new Condition - only worn once! Ref 424. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Classic Omega DeVille Co-Axial 424. watch is made out of yellow gold on a Brown Strap band with a 18k tang buckle. This Omega watch has a 40 x 40 mm case with a Round caseback and Silver Diamond dial. Circa: 2010s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega DeVille Co-Axial watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W520011 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $8,200.00 Item #:W520011 View Product Omega Cocktail A32117 Vintage Omega Cocktail watch in 18k white gold with diamond bezel. Manual. Ref A32117. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Vintage Omega Cocktail A32117 watch is made out of yellow gold on a Gold Mesh band with a 18k Clasp buckle. This Omega watch has a 17.5 x 15 mm case with a Square caseback and Silver Stick dial. Circa: 1970s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Cocktail watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W519949 . Watch is in Good condition. G & S Price: $2,950.00 Item #:W519949 View Product Omega Seamaster 2571.81.00 Ladies Omega Seamaster in stainless steel. Quartz w/ sweep seconds and date. Ref 2571.81.00. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Classic Omega Seamaster 2571.81.00 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 27.5 x 34 mm case with a Round caseback and Navy Stick dial. Circa: 1990s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Seamaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W519892 . Watch is in Good condition. G & S Price: $1,400.00 Item #:W519892 View Product Omega Classic Vintage Omega Classic in 18k on leather strap. Manual. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Vintage Omega Classic watch is made out of yellow gold on a Brown Leather Strap band with a plaque tang buckle. This Omega watch has a 26.4 x 30 mm case with a Rectangle caseback and Gold Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Classic watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W519795 . Watch is in Good condition. G & S Price: $2,450.00 Item #:W519795 View Product Omega Seamaster Co-Axial 2535.80.00 Gents Omega Seamaster Diver 300M Co-Axial GMT in stainless steel. Auto w/ sweep seconds, date and dual time. Ref 2535.80.00. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Sport Omega Seamaster Co-Axial 2535.80.00 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 x 41 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Dot dial. Circa: 2010s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Seamaster Co-Axial watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W519674 . Watch is in Very Good condition. G & S Price: $3,450.00 Item #:W519674 View Product Omega De Ville Ladies Omega De Ville in 18k on leather strap. Auto. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Vintage Omega De Ville watch is made out of yellow gold on a Black Leather Strap band with a Gold Plate tang buckle. This Omega watch has a 25 x 26 mm case with a Tonneau caseback and Champagne Roman Numeral dial. Circa: 1970s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega De Ville watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W519433 . Watch is in Good condition. G & S Price: $2,700.00 Item #:W519433 View Product Omega DeVille Co-Axial 4531.31.00 Omega DeVille Co-Axial in stainless steel with Mother of Pearl and diamond dial. Auto w/ sweep seconds and day. Ref 4531.31.00. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega DeVille Co-Axial 4531.31.00 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Hidden buckle. This Omega watch has a 31 x 39 mm case with a Round caseback and Mother of Pearl Diamond dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega DeVille Co-Axial watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W519343 . Watch is in Very Good condition. G & S Price: $4,250.00 Item #:W519343 View Product Omega Speedmaster 32105000 Gents Omega Speedmaster in stainless steel. Auto w/ subseconds, date and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 32105000. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega Speedmaster 32105000 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 38.5 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Speedmaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W519022 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $3,900.00 Item #:W519022 View Product Omega Seamaster 2541.80.00 Unisex Omega Seamaster in stainless steel. Quartz w/ date. Ref 2541.80.00. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega Seamaster 2541.80.00 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Hidden buckle. This Omega watch has a 36 mm case with a Round caseback and Blue Luminescent dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Seamaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518976 . Watch is in Very Good condition. G & S Price: $2,190.00 Item #:W518976 View Product Omega Constellation Unisex Omega Constellation in 18k & stainless steel. Auto w/ sweep seconds and date. With box and papers. Ref Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega Constellation watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Gold & Steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Hidden buckle. This Omega watch has a 35 x 38 mm case with a Round caseback and Gold Stick dial. Circa: 1990s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Constellation watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518557 . Watch is in Very Good condition. G & S Price: $3,710.00 Item #:W518557 View Product Omega De Ville 4847.50.31 Gents Omega De Ville in stainless steel on a leather strap. Auto w/ subseconds, date and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 4847.50.31. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega De Ville 4847.50.31 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Leather Strap band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega De Ville watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518659 . G & S Price: $9,315.00 Item #:W518659 View Product Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra Gents Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra in stainless steel. Auto w/ subseconds, date and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Hidden buckle. This Omega watch has a 44 x 51 mm case with a Round caseback and Off White Arabic Numeral dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518655 . G & S Price: $5,035.00 Item #:W518655 View Product Omega De Ville 4848.40.31 Gents Omega De Ville in stainless steel on a leather strap. Auto w/ subseconds, date and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 4848.40.31. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega De Ville 4848.40.31 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Leather Strap band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 mm case with a Round caseback and Grey Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega De Ville watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518658 . G & S Price: $9,315.00 Item #:W518658 View Product Omega De Ville 4850.50.31 Gents Omega De Ville Co-Axial Chronoscope in stainless steel on a leather strap. Auto w/ subseconds, date and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 4850.50.31. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega De Ville 4850.50.31 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Leather Strap band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 x 41 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega De Ville watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518647 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $4,965.00 Item #:W518647 View Product Omega Speedmaster 422. Gents Omega Speedmaster 5 Counters Olympic Timeless collection in stainless steel on a leather strap. Auto w/ subseconds, date, day and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 422. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega Speedmaster 422. watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Leather Strap band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 mm case with a Round caseback and white porcelain Arabic Numeral dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Speedmaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518645 . G & S Price: $5,900.00 Item #:W518645 View Product Unused Omega 12310382101001 Gents Omega Constellation Co-Axial in stainless steel. Automatic movement under glass w/ sweep seconds and date. Unused with box and papers. Ref 12310382101001. Circa 2015. Fine Unused Omega Watch. Unused Omega 12310382101001 watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 38 mm case with a Round caseback and Black dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518617 . G & S Price: $4,600.00 Item #:W518617 View Product Omega De Ville 422. Omega De Ville Co-Axial Chronoscope in stainless steel on a leather strap. Auto w/ subseconds, date and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 422. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega De Ville 422. watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Brown Leather Strap band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 mm case with a Round caseback and White Stick dial. Circa: 2000s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega De Ville watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518650 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $6,265.00 Item #:W518650 View Product Omega Speedmaster 321. Gents Omega Speedmaster in stainless steel on a leather strap. Auto w/ subseconds, date and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 321. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega Speedmaster 321. watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Black Leather Strap band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 41 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Stick dial. Circa: 2000s . It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Speedmaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518657 . Watch is in Excellent condition. G & S Price: $4,900.00 Item #:W518657 View Product Omega Speedmaster 311. Gents Omega Speedmaster in stainless steel. Auto w/ subseconds, date and chronograph. With box and papers. Ref 311. Fine Pre-owned Omega Watch. Certified pre-owned Omega Speedmaster 311. watch is made out of Stainless steel on a Stainless steel Link band with a Stainless Steel Deploy buckle. This Omega watch has a 44 mm case with a Round caseback and Black Stick dial. It is Gray and Sons Certified Authentic and comes backed by our 12-month warranty. Each watch is inspected by our certified in-house Swiss-trained watchmakers before shipment including final servicing, cleaning, and polishing. If you have inquiries about this Omega Speedmaster watch please call us toll free at 800-705-1112 and be sure to reference W518660 . G & S Price: $6,800.breitling super avenger price australia
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Следующие 32 часов
1 2 > >| Showing 1 to 32 of 60 (2 Pages) There is nothing impossible for you with smart watch! Technology is constantly moving forward. Scientists and engineers are inventing more and more new gadgets that can fascinate and conquer the human mind. Smart watch is one of the interesting and relatively new inventions. This name has a reason. This watch is the integration of our usual watch as an accessory with the most popular functions of a modern mobile phone. It is difficult to say whether the smart watch can replace the usual wrist chronometer or not, but manufacturability of unusual gadget has won the hearts of many users. Many well-known manufacturers of wrist chronometers are producing smart watches that can be bought in Ukraine. Connect to the production of technological innovations and global brands - leaders of the industry mobile gadgets. Therefore, when you are going to buy a smart watch, remember that for the accessory you will have to pay a rather big amount of money. Where to buy smart watch at a low price? It is possible to buy smart watch in Ukraine, just find a suitable model on the website of our online shop. Cheap smart watches, reviews of which speak for themselves, are functional and high-grade models and have lots of useful complications. If you need to buy a smart clock in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk and other cities, you can order the delivery of smart watches in Ukraine and get them as soon as possible to your address. Functional and user-friendly gadget The review of smart watch shows that all models have a useful set of complications that allow to get full clock synchronized with the phone for a modest price. Connecting smart watch Smart, which can be bought in our shop in Kyiv, is carried out to the smartphone with Bluetooth. And the accessories can be synchronized with both the operating system Android and iOS. For a comfortable daily use smart watches have a variety of options for displaying the time and a set of visual themes for the screen. Watch Smart Watch U8 allow to transfer display information about incoming messages, call lists and contacts to the watch after synchronization. This allows you to make outgoing calls and receive incoming ones using a wrist accessory. This smart watch can be bought in Kyiv by making an application on our website. In addition to features that allow to simulate the actions of the smartphone, if you buy a smart watch, you will get an extended feature set that contains a variety of alarms, the ability to control the music player on your device and control the camera. Unusual features include Smart U8 opportunities, stopwatch, pedometer, temperature and pressure. Besides, the watch can monitore your sleep, recording its various phases for the best awakening and also have their own full-featured file manager. This is one of the best smart watches in Ukraine, which can be purchased for a truly cheap price for such a device. Read more...
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